Celebrities that indorse Candidates

Why are they involved?

If a famous person is found to be highly intelligent and has compiled knowledge in the political arena, then I am interested in hearing what they think about the upcoming election. Otherwise, they are just trying to parley their fans and followers into believing propaganda.

Celebrities have the time, money and the connections to become highly knowledgeable about politics. They are extremely affected by some of the laws and taxes politicians push forward, so a political interest is cultivated. Their well informed opinions, rife with first hand knowledge are welcomed.

Some celebrities play doctors, lawyers and other smart people roles and it goes to their heads. “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.” is a great example of the grandiose ideas actors and actresses can delude themselves with, in their minds.

Martin Sheen is a great example of this nonsense. When he is on film indorsing Biden and the Democratic party, he acts very somber and presidential. His statements are authoritative and strong. I think he actually believes his political opinions should carry more weight because he pretended to be President Josiah Edward “Jed” Bartlet, on the TV series The West Wing. There is no indication that Martin knows anything exceptional about our political system, apart from the script lines that he had to memorize in the filming of his character.

Compare Martin Sheen to Richard Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss has long been interested in politics and history. At one point he considered running for Senator. His politics are tied to his love for history, and he has somewhat become a history scholar. He founded The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative. https://thedreyfussinitiative.org/

When Richard Dreyfuss speaks about politics, he is indeed calling upon his fame and fans to deliver a message, but it is based upon the history knowledge, that he obtained apart from acting. His opinions should carry far more weight than anyone riding on fictional character knowledge.

Taylor Swift is easily dismissed in this political climate. Why would someone listen to her opinion? Turns out, maybe we should! Taylor has inside information because of her dating relationship with Robert Kennedys son Conor. She even moved into the house across the street from Conor. She truly likes Robert F Kennedy Jr and would not be inclined to oppose him or his political agenda. Now that he supports President Trump, she will likely stay mute about her politics so as not to alienate any of her fans.

Who Killed J.F.K.

Who Killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

I remember that day. November 22, 1963 was a Friday. I was eleven years old and in the sixth grade. When our teacher got the news she was visibly shaken. She rolled a small black and white television into the classroom and we watched the news until it was time to go. everyone was heartbroken and hoping everything would be alright. In reality he died instantly and the media either did not know or would not say.

We had been practicing for a nuclear attack for quite some time. Sometimes we would all have to get under our desks while other times we would march out of the classroom single file and sit in the hallway against the cement block wall and cover our heads with our hands and arms. When the alarm sounded we did not know if it was real or not, but we all knew That President Kennedy was strong and smart and would know what to do.

My first thoughts were that the Russians had somehow got to him. They were our enemy for sure but that idea faded as Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office on an airplane in the chaos. I did not like Johnson at all. I did not like the way he looked. He appeared to be mean. He wasn’t saddened or worried like we were. He seemed to want to be in charge now. His emotions about the assassination did not match mine or the people around me. I have always felt that this powerful Texan had something to do with that sad day in Texas.

It has been over 60 years since this all happened and they feel it would still be harmful to national security to release all the infomation that the government has on the assassination. I think I know why.

At seventy-one years old, there are many many of us that remember that day. We remember the emotions and fear that day brought. To learn that our own government was involved and instrumental in this murder would still bring rage and unruly discontent. Some of the people that may have been involved could perchance be alive! In their nineties but still alive with powerful families and connections. Some may have made fortunes that would be in jeopardy if the truth was known.

If we were to learn now that Booth was assigned to the assassination of Lincoln by the government, and that he did not act on his own, most people, including myself would not be alarmed or extremely concerned. It wouldn’t affect us as it is not a personal story that we lived through.

They will wait until the last of them and the last of us have all died before releasing the truth.

Kicked out of AutoZone

   Yesterday I went to AutoZone with my grandson Steven. He’s 13 years old and he had just taken the battery out of my pickup so that we could go down and get a new one. He’s very capable for his age, but he had a good coat on and was unaware of the problems battery acid would do to his clothes. I prompted him to quickly go wash his hands after he had put the battery in the other truck.
  When we got to AutoZone, he quickly reached for it in front of me, but I stopped him, I carefully picked it up myself with my fingertips, and I set it on my scooter floor, (I’m disabled) and used a napkin I had in my pocket to wipe my fingers off. He was eager to help, possibly too eager. The battery had some obvious signs of battery acid.
The entrance was set up very odd, when I went up the handicap ramp and Steven was holding the door open for me, but I would have had to go around him and the opened door to get in, and that wasn’t possible because of the curb. He then opened the Out door, and I got in that way. Three people were in the store, all three could see my struggle, however no one came to assist.
  Once in, I went up to the counter and stated that I needed a new battery. The check out girl reached down to grab it without noticing the acid. I stopped her and told her I didn’t want her to get battery acid on herself. There was a younger guy standing in the hallway apparently idol and I asked him if he could come grab this battery for me. He didn’t acknowledge me but he went up to the checkout girl and whispered something to her. I again asked him if he would grab the battery, thinking he could get a tool to do so. However, he completely ignored me. I said why are you ignoring me and he said that he wasn’t. I said I asked you twice if you would grab this battery and then he admitted he was ignoring me by saying that she can get the battery. I assumed that she would look up and find the new battery for my truck and get him to carry it out to the truck for me. Boy was I wrong.
  The manager came out of nowhere, I had not noticed him, he approached me and, in an attempt, to intimidate me, he yelled don’t talk to my employee that way. He said, “he was doing something I told him to do”. He continued by saying that the girl at the checkout was capable of taking care of the battery and that my old-fashioned ways we’re not welcome in this store. Yes indeed, I got kicked out of AutoZone while trying to purchase a battery for trying to make sure that the checkout girl did not get battery acid on her.
  I calmly and quietly told to check out girl that I was sorry, and that it was not my intent to cause any trouble. The manager hurried back and told me to just leave the store.
I sarcastically told him, I wonder where I’m going to be able to get a battery tonight now, oh maybe across the street at Napa. And we left. As my grandson and I walked across the street, I couldn’t help but tell him how unusual I thought that whole episode was. I said I just got us kicked out of AutoZone; do you know what I said that got them so upset? My 13-year-old grandson stopped looked at me and said, I’m pretty sure it was your Trump hat.
I had forgotten I had that on. However, at Napa there was American flag above the door, and the letters Napa we’re in red white and blue with the Stars and stripes. I got a warm welcome there. 

How can we kill the news?

The news media is not going to police itself, it must be squashed.

The media, or better said, the corporate structures behind the media, have business with Congress. The light that their news departments shine on members of congress amounts to millions maybe billions of dollars. None of the big media groups can relay a fair story of the news to the American public, unless it also helps the corporation and money in the background. It’s like fixing a fight or a horserace. They are not going to fix the race and then lose money. They are going to make money. The more the better! The more positive that the fix is in, the more they make.

Our newscasters and anchors are in the business of fixing fights and horseraces. The difference is the fights are on the senate floor, and the horse races are called elections. The fights are about funding. The news not only helps get their candidates elected, but it also sways the public opinion of the job that they are doing. Politicians need the approval of the media, as the opposite usually means a death sentence for your career. The mainstream news media must be able to shut down any news that goes against their agenda, and promote news that supports them. If true news hurts them, it must be censured, if the truth goes against the agenda, then a lie must be propagated for the good of all. We have seen this over and over, but it still works, so we’ll see it again and again.

Wake up! Will Tucker Carlson turn the Tide. Can a handful of real journalists, stab the mainstream media to death? Will people revolt against the lies of the media and vote for Trump? All that and more to be seen. But know this, The powers in control believe that you won’t. They are pretty sure that they control you just like usual.

Hero’s, Then and Now

Do you have a hero?

Jesus, David, Moses, and all the great people of the bible have been heroes ever since the written word. This is not meant to degrade them in any way. But we watched Winston Churchill save the world from Hitler’s onslaught. George Washington was instrumental in creating the greatest government of all time, and stepped aside to see it flourish and grow. People like Larry Arnn and Dennis Prager, deserve a close look at whether we should elevate their standings to heroes. They are doing great things for democracy. We have, however, two people that overshadow everyone else by leaps and bounds. They are worth you decision to make them your hero.

Elon Musk, the man many stupid people love to hate. If you look at his life, his lifestyle and his accomplishments, if you study his reasons and motives and if you listen to what he says; like me you will consider him your hero. There is no one close to his work, solving and helping many of man’s problems. No one close! From trying to make humans a two planet civilization, to neural link helping millions of people live fuller lives, and buying Twitter to better promote free speech, no one else comes close. Amen.

Donald Trump, while Elon has put his fortune on the line for all humanity, President Trump, has not only pledged his life, fortune and his sacred honor, but is continuing to risk his life and fortune, everyday, for us, the citizens of the United States of America. If you cannot see that he already had fame and fortune, his sacred honor alone, to fix this republic, makes him my hero. He is my Champion, he is our Champion and he should be your Champion, if you want to save this country.

Can you Read?

You may say “yes” but I doubt that you can.

A 7 year old can read better than a 12 year old! How can that be? The answer is simple. Our children are losing their ability to concentrate for long periods of time. The quickening pace of Internet guided life throws off so much information that our children cannot process it all. Information must be dropped in order to keep up with the fast pace. They read the title and a line or two of the article and move on, thinking that they have digested enough of it to form a knowledgeable opinion. Subject after subject, perusing just the beginnings until they find something that really interests them. Give them credit, that’s when they study. Your child may now know the most intricate movements and keystrokes needed to beat the new video game!

So, the answer to the title question is yes, they can read, they choose not to. The seven year old will read the entirety of what is put in front of them, at the end, they will look for more pages to turn. Their focus slowly turns off and they begin to look for something else to read or do. By the time they are teenagers, they can turn off focus in mid word. Not only mid paragraph, or mid sentence, but yes, mid word.

What could be so wrong with our children getting just a little information about a multitude of subjects, compared to getting a lot of information about a few subjects. The answer is criminal. Don’t worry, few if any of them is still reading this article. The criminal offence being used by the propaganda induced media is to hide the truth, down here in the article where no one reads anymore. If you just read that, then you can read. If you didn’t read that well, you can’t really read now can you?

AI Photographs. Are they art?

Who does it belong to?

AI is now capable of producing some outstanding artwork. Some critics would cringe at me calling it art, but art or not, it can be unique and worthy of more than a glance.

A computer generated picture, using only “Tall Ship” as the typed in prompt.

Looking at this ship, your mind might sway to pirates, or maybe you’ll imagine the ship battles on the great lakes? No matter what this ship brings to mind, it’s what art does and should do. Stare hard enough and realize that the ropes are all wrong. The sails are wrong too, but this is not a design submission for a ship maker. This does not even have to be able to float! All it has to do is inspire, and if it does that, then it is art.

Someone might say, “It was too easy to create!” “All you did was type two words!” “You didn’t create anything, the computer did it all!” “How can you compare a picture that you made with no special expertise, to a painting I created by sitting outside, looking at a real tall ship, and by using my years of experience, my years of training to create a great piece of art.”

To that I say, “Can you plug a keyboard into your canvas?” I have to acquire a computer. It has to be capable of performing the task. I have to program it. I must acquire the programs, I have to decide the idea and type the words. I can then produce many new unique pictures of my subject. I will then cull until only the very best remain. Finally, I will pick one to show you here. I will have created it and produced it on a computer just as I am producing these words and creating this post. These words and this post are mine. You cannot copy them and imply that they are your words. Why should you be allowed to take my picture? I created it! Your complaint about it being to easy for me to create, falls on deaf ears when you can legally copy paste my picture and imply that that my picture of a tall ship is yours.

Artificial Intelligence, The unspoken problem.

The end of the future?

We are rapidly reaching the point of not being able to turn back and stop the advancement of AI. That in itself could be either very good or very bad. It is not going to be neutral. The unspoken problem arises is if it is very good. If it is very bad, well, it’s all over. Mankind will be finished. Nothing to worry about as there will be nothing we can do to stop it.

If instead, it is very good for mankind, the problem soon arises of man screwing it up. Perhaps it already is screwed up beyond repair? If this starting place is already polluted with the lefts ideology, instead of an unbiased information set. It could cause the destruction of the greatest achievement man has created, and turned it into a destructive political tool. Would the progressives do that? Even if they know the dangers? The answer is a big fat yes.

An AI Self Portrait

AI, please paint your self portrait.

This is an actual self portrait created by AI with the prompt, “AI, please paint your self portrait.” The future of AI could be very, very good. Don’t screw it up!

Where did the good old days go?

and did they have to go?

Ahh yes, the good old days, they were the days alright. Things were so much simpler then. Everything just keeps getting more and more complicated. Of course, everyone has always said this, and it’s just as true now as it was when my Dad first said it to me. I suppose it will keep going on and on from each generation to the next. But the whole thing about it leads to one big question. Does it really have to get worse?

By the way, things really have gotten worse. From an important doctors visit to a simple visit to a store, it has all went downhill. People really don’t care as much any more. It seems not to matter anymore if a stores policy irritates customers. Who cares if a customer leaves unhappy? Do they really have enough customers that they can say that there is nothing they can do, and that it is just store policy? Does it all just even out as the other stores are acting in the same fashion? Are people really migrating from store to store hoping to find better treatment?

The doctor visit is even worse. A doctors visits your home because you are so sick? A doctor calls in a prescription for you because you both know that you got the same thing again? These common results are more and more scarce. Doctor office’s run cattle calls now. It’s the office that controls both the doctors and your actions. They control the cash flow. They bill insurances and then try to get as much out of you as they can. Your business is with the office, not the doctor anymore and the office says they cannot do anything to help you because it is their policy. So you migrate from doctor to doctor trying to find compassion and understanding.

It’s all the same. It boils down to money or power or both. So in answer to my original question, “do the good old days have to go away”, the answer is yes. As long as money and power are the driving force in these institutions, It will only get worse.

We are all to smart to know if we are smart or stupid.

“The Dunning Kruger Effect or Why Stupid People Think They Are Smart”

Mount Stupid =  ‘the place where you have enough knowledge of a subject to be vocal about it, without the wisdom to gather the full facts or read around the topic‘.

With the amount of information that bombards us each day from our surroundings, our lifestyle, our friends and the internet, we can all easily think that we are smart. It is the small amount of knowledge on a subject that people really do know that causes the trouble, and that’s when this small amount of information causes the bearer to believe that they know a vast amount on the subject. The problem is simple. That is the only conclusion these people can posses. In order to realize their stupidity, they would need the information that they lack!

The answer is in a persons ability, no matter how smart a person thinks they are, that they be willing to keep an open mind and be willing to listen and learn.

We can all deduce that EVERYTIME a person takes an opinion, and expresses it as if it was the final answer or solution, and they won’t entertain any possible information or facts, determines that THEY are the stupid one.